Is there a Digital Marketing Career in Your Future?

future of marketing

Digital jobs were practically non-existent in the year 2000, but these days, there are so many jobs that fit beneath the digital marketing job umbrella, your choices may seem unlimited. How do you position yourself so you’re successful in the digital marketing arena? By preparing properly. And you’ll be happy to learn that while a […]

Why Is Digital Marketing Important for Startups?

Is Digital Marketing Important for Startups

Each day, new brands are launched in the marketplace. These brands have to compete with long-standing companies and millions of marketing campaigns. For startups, the only hope of being successful is in marketing better and more efficiently than old businesses. Startups often have a limited budget, which means that they have to make the most […]

Does Online Marketing Certifications Hold Any Value?

Value of Online Marketing Certifications

Questions such as this are common among individuals who are just starting off in the world of digital marketing. While it is a straightforward question that is deserving of an answer, there seems to be no straightforward answer. However, we are going to take a look at some of the important factors that come into […]

Is Digital Marketing a Good Career?

Is Digital Marketing a Good Career

We live in a time where people use the Internet for everything. Whether it is paying bills online, buying groceries for the week, shopping for a gift, planning a vacation, or just about anything else, people are logging into their laptops, smartphones, tablets, and home computers to conduct their business online each day. The ever-growing […]

How to Get into a Digital Marketing Career?

getting into digital marketing career

The fact that you’re searching on the internet for steps to take to ignite your digital marketing career shows that you have at least one important skill already under control. While navigating the internet might come to you mellifluously, that isn’t the case for everyone. Although you know how to weave your path away from […]

What is B2B Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a broad category of marketing activities that utilize the web, mobile and display mediums to communicate with your current and potential clients. There are a vast number of strategies and tactics available to the digital marketer, which can get a little overwhelming when you’re just getting started. Take a look at’s […]

5 Questions every Entrepreneur MUST ask himself

how to be a entrepreneur

There’s no prescription for successful leadership. What works for one entrepreneur may not work for another. However, most successful entrepreneurs do have something in common: they regularly ask themselves a series of questions. Furthermore, these questions all tend to be the same. Why do they need to ask themselves on an almost-daily basis? It’s important […]

What is B2C Digital Marketing?

business to consumer digital marketing

Remember the last time you logged into your Facebook account and was greeted with a product that you had just viewed on Amazon? Well, wonder no more, because that is what B2C digital marketing is in a nutshell. However, with so much going on in the background, it would be a good idea to go […]

What is the Digital Marketing Career Progression?

digital marketing career progression

Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing has taken on a life of its own. Mainly because it has evolved into a wide variety of different online digital marketing sectors that requires both new and well-seasoned marketing professionals to become savvier in this area to stay in the game. The beginner digital marketers may find themselves trailing […]